

【週末一書】人生遼闊別總在奇奇怪怪的愛恨裡執著,life is vast. . .

人生遼闊 別總在奇奇怪怪的愛恨裡執著

Life is vast, don‘t always persist in strange love and hate

哪有小孩天天哭 哪有努力回回輸

How can children cry every day? How can they try to lose back

低著頭 期待白晝 接受所有的嘲諷

Bow your head, look forward to the day, accept all the mockery

請帶上你的微笑 面對這人生的不期而遇

Please bring your smile to face the unexpected encounter of life

明知路不好 但我還想試著走

I know the road is bad, but I still want to try

看戲的人都哭了 那故事裡的人該有多痛

All the people at the theatre cried。 How painful should the peopl


It’s a pity that love runs counter to popular expectation


Sooner or later, the sand that will be blown away by the wind mig

生活很苦 但不要放棄愛與希望

Life is hard, but don‘t give up love and hope。

你不能學壞 你可以不太乖

You can’t be bad, you can‘t be good

有些煩惱 丟掉了 才有雲淡風輕的機會

Some troubles, lost, there is a chance of light。

走過危機四伏的成長 我們每個人都是青春的倖存者

Through the perilous growth, each of us is a survivor of youth

往好的方面想是個好的開始 知道嗎

It’s a good place to start, you know


Live in your own love, not in the eyes of others

總以為來日方長 卻忘了世事無常

Always think that the future ys long, but forget that the world


Why do you want the world to give you attention when you hide in

上一篇:《小捨得》: 家長課堂 教育問題,讓孩子學習更有效