


1。 失望並不可怕,怕的是失望過後,還心存僥倖,試著繼續相信。

Disappointment is not terrible, afraid of disappointment, but also take luck, try to continue to believe。

2。 得到,不一定能長久。失去,不一定不再擁有。

Get, not necessarily for a long time。 Lost, not necessarily no longer have。

3。 不必厚著臉皮 壯著膽子耐著性子 攢著勁兒去取悅一個不可能的人

You don‘t have to have the guts to have the patience to try to please an impossible person

4。 你一定是很想念他,一定是很想聯絡他,一定是等他回來,但他不愛你是你逼著自己離開的理由。

You must miss him so much, you must want to contact him so much, you must be waiting for him to come back, but he doesn’t love you is the reason why you have to force yourself to leave。

5。 如果不能在一起,就不要給對方任何希望任何暗示,這才是最大的溫柔。

If you can‘t be together, don’t give each other any hope any hint, this is the greatest tenderness。

6。 後來我遇見的人都比你好,可你離開時帶走了,我奮不顧身的勇氣。

Later I met people are better than you, but you left with me, regardless of personal courage。

7。 最淺薄的關係 就是你無心犯了一個錯誤,便讓他忘記了你所有的好。

The shallowest relationship is that you inadvertently make a mistake, then let him forget all your good。

8。 決定要忘記的人 再見面的時候就不要心潮澎湃了

Don‘t get too excited when you meet someone you’ve decided to forget

9。 知道好事多磨 但你不要讓我等得太辛苦了

I know good things take time but don‘t make me wait too hard


I only want: simple company, unconditional trust, visible care

