


總有人想等下去 可惜愛不能只靠毅力

There are always people who want to wait, but love can‘t just

如果萬事開頭難 那就請結局一定要美滿

If everything is difficult at the beginning, please have a happy

在黑暗中出現的那一束光 人們稱它為救贖

The light that appears in the dark is called redemption

人世無常 就儘可能的幸福吧

Be as happy as possible when the world is changeable

要離開的人 你不妨推他一把

If you want to leave, you may as well give him a push

手掌就那麼大 握不住的東西太多了

The palm is so big, there are too many things to hold

連不開心都要暗示 你就應該知道他不在意

You should know that he doesn’t care if he is unhappy,

其實沒錯過什麼 正在經歷的就是最好的

In fact, what you‘re experiencing is the best

那些揚言要陪你走完一生的人 總是迷路

Those who threaten to accompany you through life are always lost


Don’t be manipulated by the result。 Your heart is briliant

少年的夢 不應止於心動 更要付諸行動

Youth‘s dream should not be put into action

三觀是用來約束自己 不是改變別人

Three outlooks are used to restrain ourselves,not to change other


Keeping in touch is a five star thing

按照你喜歡的方式生活 別怕不合群

Live your lifethe way you like Don’t be afraid to be out of group

分開很難過 在一起又沒辦法快樂

It‘s very sad to be apart, but I can’t be happy together


No one is interesting。 How can two be interesting
